Garlic Under the Bed for a Surprising Night


  • 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic (per person)


  1. Preparation:
    • Take 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic. If the cloves are large, one should be enough; if smaller, use two.
  2. Crush or Peel:
    • Slightly crush the garlic cloves with the side of a knife. This will help release the natural oils and active compounds like allicin, known for their various health benefits. Alternatively, you can just peel the garlic without crushing it.
  3. Place Under the Bed:
    • Carefully place the garlic cloves under the bed, preferably near where your head will be while sleeping. You can put the garlic directly on the floor, on a small plate, or even in a small cloth pouch.
  4. Go to Bed:
    • Lie down and go to sleep as usual. The aroma of garlic may be noticeable, but it’s generally not overpowering.
  5. Wake Up:
    • In the morning, remove the garlic cloves and dispose of them. You may be surprised by how you feel—many people report improved sleep quality, a sense of relaxation, or even a reduction in cold symptoms.

Note: This method is inspired by traditional practices that suggest garlic can have calming effects, repel negative energies, or even help with respiratory issues. While scientific evidence is limited, many people swear by it for a good night’s sleep. If you find the smell too strong, you might try placing the garlic further away or using fewer cloves.

Warning: If you are allergic to garlic or sensitive to strong smells, it might be best to avoid this practice.


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