DIY Onion Face Mask for Anti-Wrinkle Treatment inspired by the benefits of onion for skin:



  • 1 medium onion 🧅
  • 1 tablespoon honey (moisturizes and soothes skin)
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt (exfoliates and brightens skin)
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice (optional, for brightening)


  1. Extract Onion Juice:
    • Peel and chop the onion into small pieces.
    • Blend or grate the onion to release the juice.
    • Use a strainer or cheesecloth to separate the juice from the pulp.
  2. Prepare the Mask:
    • In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of fresh onion juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of yogurt.
    • If you want extra brightening effects, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice.
  3. Apply the Mask:
    • Cleanse your face with warm water to open your pores.
    • Using clean fingers or a brush, apply the onion mask evenly across your face, focusing on areas where wrinkles tend to form (like around the eyes, mouth, and forehead).
  4. Relax and Wait:
    • Let the mask sit for about 15-20 minutes.
    • You may feel a mild tingling sensation from the onion juice—this is normal.
  5. Rinse Off:
    • Rinse your face thoroughly with cool water to close your pores.
    • Pat dry with a soft towel.
  6. Moisturize:
    • Apply your favorite moisturizer or a light facial oil to lock in hydration.


  • Onion juice is rich in sulfur, which can promote collagen production and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Honey is a natural humectant, keeping skin hydrated and smooth.
  • Yogurt contains lactic acid, which helps exfoliate dead skin cells and brighten the complexion.
  • Lemon juice (if used) helps to reduce dark spots and brightens skin tone.

This mask can be used 1-2 times per week to nourish and tighten the skin. Just remember to do a patch test before applying it to your entire face, as onions can be potent for sensitive skin!

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