Watermelon Passion Fruit Juice

Natural Homemade Juice || Summer Drinks


  • 4 cups watermelon (seedless, diced)
  • 2 passion fruits (pulp scooped out)
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey or agave syrup (optional, based on sweetness preference)
  • Ice cubes (optional)
  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish (optional)


  1. Prepare the watermelon:
    Cut the watermelon into cubes and remove any seeds. Place the watermelon cubes in a blender.
  2. Scoop the passion fruit pulp:
    Cut the passion fruits in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Add the pulp to the blender.
  3. Add lime juice:
    Squeeze the lime juice and pour it into the blender. This adds a refreshing tang to balance the sweetness.
  4. Sweeten (optional):
    If you prefer a sweeter juice, add honey or agave syrup. Blend the mixture until smooth.
  5. Strain (optional):
    If you prefer a smoother texture, pour the juice through a fine sieve to remove any pulp or seeds.
  6. Serve:
    Pour the juice into glasses over ice cubes if desired. Garnish with fresh mint leaves for a fragrant touch.

Enjoy your refreshing Watermelon Passion Fruit Juice—perfect for summer!

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