Transform Your Garden: Powerful Free Fertilizer Using Banana Peels and Eggshells


  • Banana Peels (fresh)
  • Eggshells (from about 4-5 eggs)

Part 1: Banana Peel Fertilizer

Banana peels are rich in potassium, essential for fruit development, helping plants grow strong and produce more fruit.


  1. Slice the Banana Peels:
    Cut the banana peels into small pieces to increase the surface area for decomposition.
  2. Choose Your Method:
    • Direct Method: Bury the sliced banana peels directly in the soil near the base of your plants. This method allows the peels to decompose naturally, enriching the soil over time.
    • Liquid Fertilizer Method: Soak the sliced banana peels in a container of water for 2-3 days. This creates a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer.


  • For the direct method, simply place the pieces in the soil around your plants.
  • For the liquid fertilizer, use the banana-infused water to water your plants, ensuring the nutrients seep into the soil.

Part 2: Eggshell Fertilizer

Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium, which strengthens plant cell walls and promotes overall growth.


  1. Clean and Dry Eggshells:
    Rinse the eggshells to remove any residue and let them dry completely.
  2. Crush the Eggshells:
    Use a blender or mixer to grind the dried eggshells into a fine powder.


  • Sprinkle the eggshell powder around the base of your plants or mix it into the soil. This helps to gradually release calcium into the ground.

Part 3: Combination Fertilizer

For optimal results, combine both banana peel fertilizer and eggshell fertilizer. This will provide a balanced supply of potassium and calcium, enhancing your plants’ growth and fruit production.

Frequency of Application:

  • Apply this homemade fertilizer once a month during the growing season for the best results and to maximize fruit production.

Final Tips:

  • Storage: If you have extra banana peels or eggshells, you can store them in the freezer until you’re ready to use them.
  • Bountiful Harvest: Enjoy the fruits of your labor as your plants thrive with this simple, eco-friendly fertilizing method!

By utilizing these natural fertilizers, you’ll not only improve your plants’ health but also enjoy a more productive garden!

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