Powerful Hair Growth Tonic Recipe


  • 1 container (appropriately sized for mixing)
  • 40 ml shampoo (any kind you prefer)
  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee
  • 1 whole egg

Steps of Preparation

  1. Prepare the Shampoo Mixture:
    • Pour about 40 ml of your chosen shampoo into the container.
    • Add 1 teaspoon of instant coffee and stir until the coffee dissolves completely.
  2. Prepare the Egg:
    • In a separate container, break 1 egg and whisk it until smooth. This step is essential, as the egg provides deep nourishment for your hair.
  3. Combine Ingredients:
    • Add the beaten egg to the shampoo and coffee mixture.
    • Stir until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Application Instructions

  1. Apply the Tonic:
    • On wet hair, apply the tonic mixture, ensuring it covers the full length of your hair.
    • Massage gently into your scalp for about 5 minutes to boost blood flow.
  2. Let It Sit:
    • Leave the tonic on your hair for an additional 5 minutes to allow the nutrients to work.
  3. Rinse and Condition:
    • Rinse thoroughly, then proceed with your usual washing routine, finishing with a conditioner.


This tonic is packed with vitamins and biotin, which support hair growth, strengthen strands, and reduce breakage. Use this once a week for optimal results. Enjoy your strong, healthy hair!

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