Don’t Toss Those Eggshells! Give Them a Second Life in Your Home and Garden

Eggshells: They crack us open delicious breakfasts, but then often end up banished to the trash. But wait! These seemingly ordinary discards hold a surprising amount of potential. From boosting your blooms to keeping creepy crawlies at bay, eggshells have a multitude of uses that can benefit both your home and garden. Get ready to crack open a world of possibilities with these handy recipes and methods:

Garden Gold: Eggshells for Happy Plants

  • Calcium Powerhouse: Eggshells are a natural source of calcium, a vital nutrient for strong cell walls and healthy root development in plants. Simply crush or grind eggshells (a mortar and pestle or blender works well) and sprinkle them around the base of your plants or mix them into the soil for a calcium boost.

  • Pest Patrol: The sharp edges of crushed eggshells can act as a natural barrier against unwelcome guests like slugs and snails. Create a protective perimeter around your plants by scattering crushed eggshells –– these slimy critters won’t be happy crawling over that!

Composting Champion: Eggshells for a Thriving Pile

Eggshells are a welcome addition to your compost bin. They not only add calcium and other micronutrients to the mix, but they also help with aeration and drainage. Just remember to crush them up first to speed up decomposition.

Bonus Tip: Craft Fantastic Seed Starters

Half eggshells can be transformed into adorable and eco-friendly seed starters. Simply clean and dry the eggshells, fill them with potting mix, and plant your seeds. Once the seedlings outgrow their shells, transplant them directly into the garden –– eggshells are biodegradable, so they’ll decompose and add nutrients to the soil.

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