New quick trick to cook 🌰🌰🌰 Chestnuts in a pan! Simple & fast

Forget the oven! This method roasts chestnuts on the stovetop in a flash, with an easy peeling trick for perfectly cooked nuts every time.


  • 500g Chestnuts
  • 1 tsp Butter (optional)
  • Salt (optional)
  • Water


  1. Make the Slash: Using a sharp knife, carefully score an “X” on the flat side of each chestnut. This allows steam to escape and ensures even cooking.

  2. Heat It Up: Place a pan over medium heat. Add the chestnuts and butter (if using).

  3. The Secret Weapon: Pour in just enough water to coat the bottom of the pan (about 1/4 inch). This creates steam that helps roast the chestnuts quickly and loosens the shells for easier peeling.

  4. Shake, Rattle & Roast: Cover the pan and cook for 15-20 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally. You’ll hear the chestnuts rattling around as they cook.

  5. Test Kitchen Time: After 15 minutes, remove a chestnut from the pan and test for doneness. The shell should crack easily, and the flesh inside should be tender. If not quite done, continue cooking for a few more minutes.

  6. Peeling Magic: Once cooked, remove the pan from heat and let the chestnuts stand for 5 minutes. The steam will continue to loosen the shells. Now comes the best part! With a kitchen towel, gently rub the chestnuts to remove the shells. The loosened skins should come right off, leaving perfectly peeled nuts behind!

  7. Season & Enjoy! Sprinkle with a pinch of salt (optional) and enjoy your warm, delicious roasted chestnuts!


  • For a richer flavor, add a drizzle of olive oil or a knob of butter to the pan along with the water.
  • If you don’t have a sharp knife for scoring, use a nutcracker to create a small crack in the shell.
  • Be careful when handling hot chestnuts! Use a kitchen towel or oven mitt to avoid burns.

This quick and easy pan method makes roasting chestnuts a breeze. Enjoy the warm, nutty flavor and impress your friends with this clever peeling trick!

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