Don’t Toss That Spotty Banana! Attract Stunning Butterflies to Your Garden with This Clever Trick

Who knew an overripe banana could be the key to a vibrant butterfly haven? This handy trick is a win-win for both you and the beautiful pollinators. Here’s how to turn your kitchen cast-off into a delightful butterfly buffet:


  • 1 Overripe Banana
  • String or twine
  • Sharp knife (optional)


  1. Prepare the Banana: If the banana peel is very thick, you can use a sharp knife to carefully make a few shallow slits lengthwise in the peel. This will allow the butterflies easier access to the sweet insides.

  2. Hang it High: Tie a length of string or twine securely around the stem of the banana. Find a spot in your garden with some sun exposure and hang the banana from a sturdy branch, fence post, or shepherd’s hook.

  3. Butterfly Bonanza! Sit back and watch as butterflies are drawn to the sugary scent of the ripening banana. They’ll happily feast on the soft fruit, adding a touch of beauty and life to your garden.

Bonus Tip: For an extra fruity butterfly buffet, try hanging other overripe fruits like oranges, melons, or mangoes alongside the banana.

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