Recipe for Sleeping with Onions in Your Socks

Sleeping with onions in your socks is a traditional home remedy believed to have various health benefits. While there’s no scientific evidence to support these claims, many people use this method for its purported benefits, like detoxifying the body, reducing fever, or boosting the immune system.

Recipe for Sleeping with Onions in Your Socks


  • 1 medium-sized onion (red or white)
  • 1 pair of clean cotton socks


  1. Prepare the Onion:
    • Start by peeling the onion.
    • Slice the onion into thin rounds. You’ll need enough slices to cover the bottom of each foot.
  2. Prepare Your Feet:
    • Wash and dry your feet thoroughly.
  3. Apply the Onion:
    • Place the onion slices on the soles of your feet, covering the area from the heel to the toes.
  4. Secure the Onion:
    • Put on the clean cotton socks over the onion slices. The socks will help keep the onions in place throughout the night.
  5. Sleep with Onions:
    • Go to bed as usual. You might want to sleep with a towel or additional bedding underneath your feet in case of any moisture or onion smell.
  6. Morning Routine:
    • In the morning, remove the socks and discard the onion slices.
    • Wash your feet to remove any residual smell or moisture.

Tips and Considerations:

  • Onion Type: While both red and white onions can be used, red onions are often recommended for their higher antioxidant content.
  • Socks: Use old or inexpensive socks, as they may absorb the onion smell.
  • Precautions: If you have sensitive skin or any allergies to onions, it’s best to avoid this remedy or consult with a healthcare professional before trying it.


  • This remedy is part of folk medicine and should not replace conventional medical treatments. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for any health concerns or symptoms you may be experiencing.

People use this remedy for various reasons, including attempting to draw out toxins, improve circulation, or alleviate cold symptoms. However, it’s primarily based on anecdotal evidence, and its effectiveness is not scientifically proven.

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