Herbal Pest Repellent Garden Recipe


  1. Lavender – 1 bunch (repels moths, flies, and mosquitoes)
  2. Mint – 1 bunch (repels ants, mosquitoes, and flies)
  3. Basil – 1 bunch (repels flies and mosquitoes)
  4. Rosemary – 1 bunch (repels mosquitoes and flies)
  5. Marigold – 1 bunch (repels mosquitoes and aphids)
  6. Citronella – 1 bunch (repels mosquitoes)
  7. Lemon Balm – 1 bunch (repels mosquitoes and flies)
  8. Catnip – 1 bunch (repels mosquitoes and flies)
  9. Garlic – 1 bulb (repels ants, mosquitoes, and other pests)
  10. Eucalyptus – 1 bunch (repels mosquitoes and flies)
  11. Sage – 1 bunch (repels mosquitoes and flies)
  12. Thyme – 1 bunch (repels mosquitoes and flies)
  13. Chives – 1 bunch (repels aphids, mosquitoes, and other pests)
  14. Tansy – 1 bunch (repels ants, flies, and mosquitoes)


  1. Choose Your Plants: Select a variety of the plants listed above based on your specific pest problems and available space. All of these plants can be grown in pots or directly in the ground.
  2. Planting:
    • Outdoor: Plant the herbs and flowers in your garden or in containers outside your home. Place them near entry points, windows, and doors for maximum effect.
    • Indoor: Grow herbs in pots on windowsills or around your home to keep indoor pests at bay.
  3. Care:
    • Watering: Ensure each plant receives appropriate water according to its needs. Most of these plants prefer well-drained soil.
    • Sunlight: Place your plants in areas where they receive adequate sunlight. Most of these herbs need full sun to thrive.
  4. Harvesting and Using:
    • Fresh Use: Pick leaves or flowers as needed. Crush or rub them to release their oils and enhance their pest-repelling properties.
    • Dried Use: Dry the herbs and place them in sachets or hang them in problem areas to keep pests away.
  5. Maintain: Regularly check the plants for any signs of pests or disease and prune as necessary. Healthy plants are more effective at repelling unwanted guests.


  • Combining several of these plants can enhance their effectiveness.
  • Be cautious with some plants like catnip if you have pets that may be sensitive to them.

Enjoy your pest-free home with your natural, fragrant pest-repelling garden!

Feel free to adjust the list based on your local climate and pest problems!

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