5 Ways to Store Onions for Long Term (Weeks, Months, or 1 Year)


  • Fresh onions (preferably with the papery skin intact)

Method 1: Room Temperature Storage (Weeks to 2 Months)

  1. Select the Right Onions: Choose firm, unblemished onions with dry, papery skin.
  2. Preparation: Do not wash the onions before storing them.
  3. Storage Conditions: Store onions in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight.
  4. Containers: Use mesh bags, baskets, or hang them in pantyhose to allow air circulation.
  5. Duration: This method will keep onions fresh for up to 2 months.

Method 2: Refrigeration (Up to 2 Months)

  1. Preparation: Peel and cut onions if desired. Whole onions can also be stored.
  2. Containers: Place the onions in airtight containers or zip-lock bags.
  3. Storage Conditions: Store them in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator.
  4. Note: Refrigerated onions may lose some of their flavor over time.
  5. Duration: Onions can last up to 2 months when stored this way.

Method 3: Freezing (Up to 1 Year)

  1. Preparation: Peel and chop the onions into desired sizes.
  2. Blanching (Optional): Briefly blanch the onions in boiling water for 3 minutes, then immediately cool in ice water. This step helps preserve texture.
  3. Storage: Spread the onions on a baking sheet to freeze individually. Once frozen, transfer them to freezer-safe bags or containers.
  4. Labeling: Label the bags with the date of freezing.
  5. Duration: Frozen onions can last up to 1 year.

Method 4: Drying (Several Months to 1 Year)

  1. Preparation: Slice the onions thinly.
  2. Drying: Use a dehydrator or oven at a low temperature (around 135°F/57°C) to dry the onions until they are crisp.
  3. Storage: Store the dried onions in airtight containers in a cool, dark place.
  4. Rehydration: To use, soak dried onions in water until rehydrated.
  5. Duration: Dried onions can last for several months to up to a year.

Method 5: Canning (Up to 1 Year)

  1. Preparation: Peel and slice or dice the onions.
  2. Pickling (Optional): You can pickle onions before canning for added flavor.
  3. Canning Process: Use a pressure canner to can onions, as they are low-acid foods. Follow a tested canning recipe for safety.
  4. Storage: Store canned onions in a cool, dark place.
  5. Duration: Properly canned onions can last up to 1 year.


  • Inspect Regularly: Check stored onions periodically and remove any that show signs of sprouting or rotting.
  • Keep Away from Potatoes: Store onions separately from potatoes to prevent them from sprouting.

Enjoy your long-lasting supply of onions using these methods!

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