Banana Peel Foot Treatment

Disclaimer: While many people swear by this method, there’s limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Always consult with a healthcare professional for any persistent foot issues.


  • Ripe banana peel


  1. Prepare the peel: Wash the banana peel thoroughly to remove any residue.
  2. Apply to feet: Cut the banana peel to fit the size of your foot. Place the inside of the peel directly on clean, dry feet.
  3. Secure: For better contact, you can wear socks over the banana peel.
  4. Relax: Leave the peel on for about 30 minutes to an hour.
  5. Rinse: Gently remove the peel and rinse your feet with warm water.


  • For best results, use a ripe banana peel.
  • You can repeat this treatment several times a week.
  • For extra moisture, apply a foot cream after rinsing.

Note: Some people report that this method helps soften rough skin and reduce dryness. However, individual results may vary.  

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