Clove Belly Pouch Recipe for Wellness


  • A small handful of whole cloves
  • A clean, thin cloth or handkerchief
  • String or rubber band


  1. Prepare the Cloves:
    • Take a small handful of whole cloves.
    • Slightly crush them using a mortar and pestle or the back of a spoon. This helps to release the natural oils and active compounds in the cloves.
  2. Wrap the Cloves:
    • Place the crushed cloves in the center of a clean, thin cloth or handkerchief.
    • Gather the edges of the cloth to form a small pouch.
    • Secure the pouch tightly with a string or rubber band.
  3. Apply to Belly:
    • Lie down in a comfortable position.
    • Place the cloth pouch directly on your belly, where it can warm up from your body heat.
    • Leave the pouch on your belly for about 15-20 minutes, allowing the essential oils to absorb through your skin.


Cloves are known for their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, which may help with digestion, relieve stomach discomfort, and promote relaxation. This simple, natural remedy can be an easy way to enhance your well-being without a trip to the pharmacy.

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