DIY Baking Soda and Cloves Cleaning Powder


  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon ground cloves


  1. Mix Ingredients:
    • In a small bowl, combine the baking soda and ground cloves. Stir well to ensure the two ingredients are evenly mixed.
  2. Store:
    • Transfer the mixture to an airtight container. You can use an old spice jar, a small mason jar, or any container with a tight lid. Label it if necessary.
  3. Use:
    • For Cleaning: Sprinkle the baking soda and cloves mixture onto surfaces you want to clean, such as sinks, countertops, or bathroom tiles. Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub with a damp sponge or cloth. The baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive, while the cloves add a pleasant scent and may help with mild disinfecting properties.
    • For Odor Removal: Sprinkle the mixture in areas with unpleasant odors, such as carpets, shoes, or garbage bins. Leave it for a few hours or overnight, then vacuum or shake out the excess powder.


  • Cost-Effective: Baking soda is inexpensive, and a little goes a long way. Cloves, while more of a luxury spice, can be used sparingly in this mixture.
  • Natural Cleaning: This mixture avoids the harsh chemicals found in many commercial cleaning products, making it safer for your home and the environment.
  • Pleasant Scent: Cloves add a warm, spicy fragrance to your cleaning routine.

This simple recipe can help you save money on cleaning products and keep your home smelling fresh!

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