APPLE VINEGAR removes WARTS in 24 HOURS! Just do this…

Apple Cider Vinegar Wart Removal Method


  • Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
  • Cotton balls or pads
  • Adhesive bandages or medical tape


  1. Clean the Area:
    • Start by thoroughly washing the area around the wart with warm water and soap. Pat the area dry with a clean towel.
  2. Prepare the Vinegar Solution:
    • Pour a small amount of apple cider vinegar into a bowl.
  3. Apply the Vinegar:
    • Soak a cotton ball or pad in the apple cider vinegar.
    • Place the soaked cotton directly onto the wart.
  4. Secure the Cotton:
    • Use an adhesive bandage or medical tape to secure the cotton ball/pad in place over the wart. This helps to keep the vinegar in contact with the wart.
  5. Leave it Overnight:
    • Leave the cotton ball or pad on the wart for several hours, preferably overnight. If it becomes uncomfortable or irritating, you can remove it earlier.
  6. Repeat:
    • Remove the cotton in the morning and wash the area with water. Repeat this process nightly for up to a week or until the wart falls off.

Additional Tips:

  • Monitor the skin: Apple cider vinegar is acidic, so it can cause irritation. If you experience significant discomfort or skin damage, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
  • Be Patient: While some people report results within 24 hours, others may need several days of treatment. The wart may darken and scab over before falling off.
  • Post-treatment care: Once the wart is gone, keep the area clean and avoid picking at it to prevent scarring or infection.

Important Note:

While apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy, its effectiveness can vary. If warts persist or worsen, it’s best to seek medical advice from a healthcare provider.


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