Avocado Preservation Trick: Fridge and Water


  • Ripe avocados


  • Container
  • Water


  1. Choose Ripe Avocados: Select avocados that are slightly soft to the touch, indicating they are ripe.
  2. Prepare Container: Fill a container with cold water.
  3. Submerge Avocados: Place the ripe avocados into the water, ensuring they are fully submerged.
  4. Refrigerate: Transfer the container to the refrigerator.
  5. Enjoy Later: The avocados can remain in the water for several weeks without deteriorating. When ready to use, remove an avocado from the water, rinse it off, and enjoy!


  • Extended Shelf Life: This method can significantly prolong the lifespan of ripe avocados.
  • Fresh Flavor: Avocados stored in water often retain their flavor and texture better than those left on the countertop.
  • Convenience: Having a supply of ripe avocados on hand can be convenient for various recipes and snacks.


  • Change Water Regularly: For optimal results, replace the water every few days.
  • Check for Ripeness: While avocados can last longer in water, it’s still important to check them periodically to ensure they remain at your desired level of ripeness.

Enjoy your long-lasting avocados!

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