Banana Peel Fertilizer

Banana Peel Fertilizer

– 2-3 banana peels
– 1 liter bottle
– Water


1. Collect 2-3 ripe banana peels. Cut them into smaller pieces if desired.

2. Place the banana peels into a clean 1 liter bottle.

3. Fill the bottle with water, leaving about 2 inches of space at the top.

4. Tightly close the bottle and place it in a cool, dark place.

5. Let the mixture sit for about 1 week. During this time, you’ll notice the water turning brown and the peels breaking down.

6. After a week, strain out the solid pieces and dilute the liquid. Use 1 part banana peel water to 4 parts regular water.

7. Use this nutrient-rich solution to water your plants. The potassium and other minerals from the banana peels will help nourish your plants.

– This fertilizer is especially good for plants that need potassium, like roses or tomatoes.
– You can repeat the process with fresh peels and water in the same bottle.
– Always dilute before using to avoid overwhelming your plants with nutrients.

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