Banana peels, throwing them away is a big waste: for housewives they are worth gold | Use them like this

Banana Peel Uses Recipe


  • Fresh banana peels (from 2-3 bananas)
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional)
  • Water (as needed)


1. Banana Peel Fertilizer:
  • Ingredients: Banana peels, water
  • Steps:
    1. Chop the banana peels into small pieces.
    2. Place the pieces in a jar and fill it with water.
    3. Let the mixture sit for a few days to create a nutrient-rich banana peel tea.
    4. Use the liquid to water your plants, providing them with a natural boost of potassium and other nutrients.
2. Banana Peel Face Mask:
  • Ingredients: Fresh banana peels, coconut oil, sugar (optional)
  • Steps:
    1. Cut a piece of banana peel and rub the inside on your face.
    2. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes to allow the natural oils and nutrients to nourish your skin.
    3. For exfoliation, mix a teaspoon of sugar with a bit of coconut oil and gently massage onto the skin after applying the peel.
    4. Rinse off with lukewarm water.
3. Natural Shoe Polish:
  • Ingredients: Fresh banana peels
  • Steps:
    1. Use the inside of a banana peel to rub on your leather shoes.
    2. Buff the shoes with a soft cloth to bring out a natural shine.
4. Tenderize Meat:
  • Ingredients: Fresh banana peels
  • Steps:
    1. Place banana peels on top of meat while cooking (especially useful for roasting or baking).
    2. The peels help to keep the meat moist and tender.
5. Insect Bite Relief:
  • Ingredients: Fresh banana peels
  • Steps:
    1. Rub the inside of a banana peel on the affected area to reduce itching and inflammation.

Additional Tips:

  • Composting: Add banana peels to your compost pile to enrich the soil.
  • Hair Mask: Blend banana peels with a little water and apply as a hair mask to add shine and softness.

By reusing banana peels, you can reduce waste and make the most out of every part of the fruit. Whether it’s for gardening, skincare, or household chores, these simple uses can provide numerous benefits.

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