Banish Buzzing and Breathe Easy: The Citrus Candle Cure for Mosquitoes!

This isn’t your grandma’s mothball trick! Here’s a natural, fragrant way to keep those pesky mosquitoes at bay: the Citrus Candle Cure. Not only will it fill your home with a delightful orange aroma, but it’ll also send those bloodsuckers packing!


  • 1 Large Orange
  • 1 Tealight Candle (Citronella or unscented)
  • Whole Cloves (Optional, for a stronger aroma)
  • Shallow heat-resistant dish
  • Knife
  • Spoon


  1. Stud the Orange: Using the knife, carefully poke holes all over the surface of the orange. The more holes, the stronger the citrus scent will be released.
  2. Spice it Up (Optional): If you desire a more potent bug-repelling effect, push a few whole cloves into some of the deeper holes in the orange.
  3. Light Up the Night: Place the orange in your heat-resistant dish. Carefully light the tealight candle and position it in the center of the orange, ensuring it doesn’t touch the fruit directly.
  4. Citrus Soiree: As the candle heat releases the orange oils, your home will be enveloped in a refreshing citrus scent that mosquitoes despise.


  • Use a variety of citrus fruits! Grapefruit, lemons, and limes can all be substituted for the orange, offering a range of zesty aromas.
  • Replenish the Magic: As the orange dries out, the scent will weaken. Replace the orange with a fresh one every few days to maintain mosquito deterrence.
  • Placement is Key: For optimal effectiveness, place the citrus candle cure in the areas where mosquitoes tend to congregate, like doorways, patios, or near open windows.
  • Safety First: Never leave a burning candle unattended. Extinguish the flame before leaving the room or going to sleep.

Enjoy your mosquito-free haven filled with the delightful scent of citrus!

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