Banish Those Pesky Rodents: The Vick Vaporub Rat Repellent Revolution!

Have unwanted furry visitors taken up residence in your home? Fret no more! This blog post unveils a secret weapon in the fight against rats and mice: Vick Vaporub! Yes, you read that right. This common household remedy boasts a surprisingly potent punch when it comes to repelling these unwelcome guests.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Vick Vaporub (Any size jar will do)
  • Cotton balls
  • Sealable containers (Optional, explained further in methods)
  • Peppermint oil (Optional, for an extra repellent boost)


  1. The Direct Approach: Dab cotton balls generously with Vick Vaporub. Strategically place them in areas where you’ve noticed rodent activity, like near burrows, behind furniture, or under the sink. The pungent menthol scent of Vick Vaporub is highly unpleasant to rats and mice, encouraging them to steer clear.

  2. Vick Vaporub Power Zones: For a more concentrated effect, consider using sealable containers (think empty yogurt tubs or pill bottles) with holes poked in the lids. Place a Vick Vaporub-soaked cotton ball inside and position these “power zones” in areas of high rodent traffic.

  3. Double Down with Peppermint Power: Want to ramp up the repelling power? Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your Vick Vaporub before soaking the cotton balls. Peppermint oil is another natural rodent repellent, and the combined scent will be a surefire deterrent.

Pro Tip: Replace the cotton balls every few days as the scent of the Vick Vaporub weakens.

Important Safety Note: While Vick Vaporub is generally safe for homes with pets and children, it’s always wise to keep it out of direct reach. If you’re concerned about accidental ingestion, opt for the sealed container method.

Say Goodbye to Rodents, Naturally!

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