Bitter Herb Detox Tea


  • 1 tablespoon of dried bitter herb (such as dandelion root or milk thistle)
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, grated
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey (optional, to counteract bitterness)
  • 2 cups of water


  1. Prepare the Bitter Herb:
    • Begin by boiling 2 cups of water in a small pot.
    • Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add the dried bitter herb to the pot.
    • Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for 10 minutes to extract the herb’s properties.
  2. Add Ginger and Turmeric:
    • After the herb has simmered for 10 minutes, add the grated ginger and turmeric powder.
    • Stir the mixture and allow it to simmer for an additional 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the Tea:
    • Remove the pot from the heat and strain the tea into a mug, separating the liquid from the herbs and spices.
  4. Add Lemon Juice and Honey:
    • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the tea.
    • If you find the tea too bitter, you can add a teaspoon of raw honey to balance the flavor, though this is optional.
  5. Serve:
    • Sip the tea slowly, savoring its strong, bitter flavor. Remember, the bitterness symbolizes the cleansing and detoxifying properties of the herb, purging the gut of harmful toxins.

Note: This tea serves as a reminder that “Death begins with guts and sugar!” By cleansing the body of excess sugar and toxins, you promote better health and well-being. Incorporate this bitter herb detox tea into your routine to support your gut health and prevent the negative effects of sugar and processed foods.

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