Boiling Orange Peels with Cloves: A Traditional Practice from Our Grandmothers Gets a Modern Makeover!

This age-old trick isn’t just for grandma’s kitchen anymore! Boiling orange peels and cloves is a simple yet powerful way to infuse your home with a delightful citrusy spice aroma. Not only is it easy on the wallet, but it also boasts some surprising benefits. Let’s revisit this time-honored tradition with a modern twist!


  • Peels from 2 oranges (organic preferred)
  • 10-12 cloves
  • 4 cups water
  • Optional additions: Cinnamon stick, ginger slices, fresh rosemary sprig


  1. Prep your oranges: Wash the oranges thoroughly with warm water and a little dish soap. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the rinds, avoiding the white pith as much as possible (the pith can add bitterness).
  2. Spice it up! In a pot, combine the orange peels, cloves, and water. Feel free to experiment with the optional additions like a cinnamon stick, a few slices of ginger, or a sprig of fresh rosemary for an extra flavor boost.
  3. Bring on the simmer! Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30-45 minutes, or until your house smells heavenly!
  4. Aroma therapy: For an extra fragrant experience, you can keep the pot simmering on low throughout the day, topping up with water as needed.
  5. Modern twist alert! Once the simmering time is complete, strain the mixture and let it cool slightly. For a room spray, dilute the fragrant liquid with some distilled water in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a personalized touch!

Bonus tip: Don’t toss the leftover orange peels! You can use them in various ways like deodorizing your garbage disposal, adding zest to baked goods, or even creating your own potpourri.

So, ditch the chemical air fresheners and embrace the wisdom of our grandmothers with this natural and budget-friendly way to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home.

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