Burning Rosemary Ritual Recipe


  • 1 dried sprig of rosemary (fresh works too, but dried burns more easily)
  • A heat-resistant bowl or dish (like a ceramic or metal dish)
  • A lighter or matches


  1. Prepare your space: Open a window or create some ventilation to allow any smoke to flow out. Make sure you’re in a safe, fire-proof area, free from flammable items.
  2. Light the rosemary: Hold the dried sprig by the end and use a lighter or match to ignite the tip of the rosemary. Let it catch fire briefly and then blow it out gently, allowing it to smolder and release smoke.
  3. Observe the aroma: As the rosemary smolders, a woodsy, herbal scent will fill the space. You can walk around your home with the burning sprig, allowing the smoke to spread, or keep it in one place in the heat-resistant dish.
  4. Let it burn for 10 minutes: After 10 minutes, observe how the room feels and the effects on your mood or clarity. Many people find that rosemary smoke can have a calming, refreshing, and mentally stimulating effect.
  5. Dispose safely: Once done, ensure the rosemary has completely extinguished by pressing it into the heat-resistant dish and leaving it there until cool.

Effects You Might Notice:

  • A calming, peaceful atmosphere
  • Improved concentration or memory
  • A subtle refreshing and cleansing energy in the room

This ritual is easy and can be done any time you want to refresh your home or mind.

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