Dandelion Syrup (Honey) – No Cooking Required


  • 2 cups fresh dandelion flowers (make sure they haven’t been sprayed with chemicals)
  • 1 cup raw honey
  • 1 lemon (optional, for extra flavor)
  • 1 small jar with a lid


  1. Harvest Dandelion Flowers: Pick dandelion flowers from a clean, pesticide-free area. Aim for bright, fully open flowers. Be sure to leave some flowers for the bees!
  2. Prepare the Flowers: Remove the green parts (calyx) from the flowers, as they can make the syrup bitter. You only want the yellow petals. It’s okay if a few small green parts are left, but try to remove as much as possible.
  3. Fill the Jar: Pack the jar with the dandelion petals, filling it about halfway.
  4. Add Honey: Pour raw honey into the jar, covering the dandelion petals completely. If the honey is too thick, you can warm it slightly to make it easier to pour, but avoid heating it too much to preserve its raw properties.
  5. Optional – Add Lemon: For a citrusy flavor, slice a lemon and add a few slices to the jar.
  6. Mix and Seal: Stir the mixture gently to ensure the petals are fully submerged in the honey. Seal the jar with a lid.
  7. Infusion Time: Let the mixture sit in a warm, sunny spot for about 2-3 weeks. Shake the jar occasionally to help the petals infuse into the honey.
  8. Strain and Store: After the infusion period, strain the honey through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the petals and any lemon slices. Pour the infused honey into a clean jar.
  9. Enjoy: Your dandelion syrup (honey) is now ready to use! It can be drizzled over pancakes, added to tea, or used as a sweetener in various recipes.

Storage: Store the syrup in a cool, dark place. It can last for several months if kept properly.

Note: Dandelions are edible and safe for most people, but if you have allergies or are unsure, consult with a healthcare professional before consuming.

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