Foil Ball Door Handle Deterrent

Yields: 1 foil ball Equipment: Aluminum foil


  • Aluminum foil


  1. Gather Materials: Ensure you have a roll of aluminum foil.
  2. Create a Ball: Tear off a generous piece of aluminum foil. Crumple it into a tight ball. The larger the ball, the more effective it may be as a deterrent.
  3. Place on Handle: Carefully position the foil ball over the door handle. Ensure it covers the entire handle.


  • For added protection, consider using multiple layers of foil.
  • Regularly check and replace the foil ball as needed.
  • This method is primarily a visual deterrent. It may not prevent all attempts at entry.

Disclaimer: While this method can be a visual deterrent, it is not a guaranteed security measure. For optimal home security, consider additional measures such as installing a security system or reinforcing your doors and windows.

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