Fresh Tomato Preservation for a Year (No Salt, No Vinegar)


  • Fresh tomatoes (as many as you have)
  • A sterilized needle
  • Clean, dry jars with airtight lids


  1. Select the Tomatoes:
    • Choose ripe, unblemished tomatoes. Make sure they are firm and free from any signs of spoilage.
  2. Clean the Tomatoes:
    • Wash the tomatoes thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or pesticides. Pat them dry with a clean towel.
  3. Sterilize the Needle:
    • Sterilize a needle by boiling it in water for a few minutes or by wiping it with rubbing alcohol. This is to ensure that no bacteria are introduced during the process.
  4. Pierce the Tomatoes:
    • Using the sterilized needle, pierce each tomato in several places. This step helps to release excess moisture and prevents the tomatoes from bursting during the preservation process.
  5. Dry the Tomatoes:
    • Place the pierced tomatoes on a clean towel or paper towels in a single layer. Allow them to air dry for about 24 hours. This step helps to remove excess moisture.
  6. Prepare the Jars:
    • Ensure that your jars and lids are clean and completely dry. Sterilize the jars by boiling them in water for 10 minutes, then allow them to air dry.
  7. Pack the Tomatoes:
    • Carefully place the dried tomatoes into the sterilized jars. Pack them as tightly as possible without crushing them.
  8. Seal the Jars:
    • Close the jars with their airtight lids. Ensure the lids are securely fastened to prevent air from entering.
  9. Store the Jars:
    • Store the jars in a cool, dark place. A pantry or cellar works well for this purpose. Make sure the storage area is not too humid to avoid mold growth.
  10. Check Regularly:
    • Periodically check the jars for any signs of spoilage or leakage. If you notice any changes in color, smell, or appearance, discard the affected jar immediately.


  • Avoid using damaged or overripe tomatoes as they may spoil more quickly.
  • Ensure the storage area is consistent in temperature to avoid fluctuations that could affect the preservation process.
  • Label the jars with the date of preservation to keep track of their shelf life.

With this method, you can enjoy fresh-tasting tomatoes for up to a year without the use of salt or vinegar.

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