Grandma’s Magic Hair Elixir


  • 1 cup fresh Amla (Indian gooseberry) juice
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds
  • 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
  • A handful of curry leaves
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil
  • 2 vitamin E capsules


  1. Prepare the Ingredients:
    • Soak the fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
    • In the morning, grind the soaked fenugreek seeds into a fine paste.
    • Warm the coconut oil in a pan on low heat.
  2. Infuse the Oil:
    • Add the curry leaves, black sesame seeds, and fenugreek paste to the warm coconut oil.
    • Stir the mixture continuously on low heat for about 5-7 minutes until the leaves and seeds become slightly crispy.
    • Add the Amla juice and stir well. Continue heating for another 5 minutes.
  3. Cool and Strain:
    • Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.
    • Strain the oil into a clean container, removing all the solid particles.
  4. Finish the Elixir:
    • Add the almond oil and squeeze the contents of the vitamin E capsules into the strained oil.
    • Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Application:
    • Apply this elixir to your scalp and hair roots, massaging gently in circular motions.
    • Leave it on for at least an hour, or overnight for better results.
    • Wash it out with a mild shampoo.

Result: Use this elixir regularly, and you’ll start to notice your hair regaining its youthful shine and color, just like how Grandmother’s gray hair began to turn black, making her hair look like it did when she was younger.

Note: Results may vary based on individual hair type and health. Always do a patch test before applying any new product to your scalp or hair.

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