How to Grow an Avocado Tree Indoors – Best Method for Bearing Fruit



  • 1 ripe avocado (for the seed)
  • Water
  • A small pot with well-draining soil
  • Fertilizer (balanced, suitable for indoor plants)
  • Soft brush (for pollination)


  1. Choose the Right Avocado Variety:
    • Opt for compact varieties like ‘Wurtz’ or ‘Little Cado’ which are ideal for indoor growth.
  2. Start with a Healthy Seed:
    • Remove the seed from a ripe avocado, clean off any remaining flesh, and dry it.
    • Suspend the seed in a glass of water, using toothpicks to hold it half-submerged with the broad end down.
  3. Germinate the Seed:
    • Place the seed in a warm, sunny spot.
    • Change the water regularly to keep it fresh.
    • Roots and a stem will begin to emerge within a few weeks.
  4. Potting the Seedling:
    • Once the roots are a few inches long and the stem has leaves, transplant the seedling into a small pot filled with well-draining soil.
    • Position the seed with its roots buried and the top half exposed.
  5. Provide Optimal Conditions:
    • Place the pot in a sunny location where it will receive plenty of light.
    • Maintain room temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C) and ensure moderate humidity.
  6. Water and Feed Regularly:
    • Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid waterlogging.
    • Fertilize the plant every 4-6 weeks during the growing season with a balanced indoor plant fertilizer.
  7. Pruning and Training:
    • Prune the tree regularly to encourage bushier growth and manage its height.
    • Use staking or tying to train the tree’s shape and support its growth.
  8. Pollination:
    • While avocado trees are self-pollinating, indoor trees can benefit from hand pollination.
    • Gently brush the flowers with a soft brush to help transfer pollen.
  9. Be Patient:
    • Avocado trees take time to bear fruit, often several years. Continue to care for the tree with regular watering, feeding, and pruning.
  10. Harvesting:
    • When your tree finally bears fruit, allow the avocados to ripen fully on the tree.
    • Harvest them when they are mature, and enjoy your homegrown avocados!


  • Be patient and consistent with care; indoor avocado trees require time and attention.
  • Rotate the pot occasionally to ensure even sunlight exposure.

With dedication, your indoor avocado tree will not only thrive but also become a source of fresh, delicious avocados right in your home!

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