How To Identify Plastic Rice In 6 Simple Steps (2024)

While plastic rice scares have been around for a while, vigilance is always a good idea. Here’s how to identify potential plastic rice imposters in your pantry:

Step 1: The Feel Test

  • Grab a handful of uncooked rice grains. Real rice should feel slightly rough and have a chalky texture. Plastic rice might feel smoother and more uniform, almost like tiny beads.

Step 2: The Water Test

  • Take a bowl of water and add a few grains of rice. Real rice will sink to the bottom quickly, while plastic rice, due to its lower density, might float or take longer to submerge.

Step 3: The Cooking Test

  • Cook a small sample of suspect rice. Real rice will expand slightly and become fluffy after cooking. Plastic rice likely won’t change much in size or texture and might remain clumpy or hard.

Step 4: The Pinch Test

  • Try pinching a cooked grain of rice between your thumb and finger. Real rice should be slightly soft and break easily. Plastic rice will likely feel very hard and difficult to crush.

Step 5: The Heat Test (Caution Advised!)

  • Important Note: This step involves using heat and should be done with caution in a well-ventilated area.
  • Take a single grain of suspect rice and carefully hold it over a lit match or lighter for a few seconds (use tongs!). Real rice will burn with a starchy smell similar to burnt toast. Plastic rice will likely melt and emit a chemical odor.

Step 6: The Refrigeration Test

  • Cook a small amount of suspect rice and allow it to cool completely. Divide the rice into two containers. Refrigerate one container and leave the other at room temperature for a few days. Real rice is more prone to attracting mold and spoilage, so the refrigerated sample might show signs of mold growth before the one at room temperature. Plastic rice, however, likely won’t show any mold growth due to its non-organic nature.

Remember: If you suspect you have purchased plastic rice, discard it immediately and report it to the relevant authorities. When buying rice, choose reputable brands and stores.

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