How to Keep Parsley Alive and Fresh for Months: A Chef’s Trick


  • Fresh parsley (curly or flat-leaf)
  • Glass or jar
  • Plastic bag


  1. Trim the Stems: Start by trimming the ends of the parsley stems. This helps the parsley absorb water better and prevents wilting over time.
  2. Water Bath: Fill a glass or jar with a few inches of fresh water. Place the trimmed parsley stems into the jar, making sure to remove any leaves that might end up submerged in the water (to prevent them from rotting).
  3. Cover Up: Loosely cover the parsley with a plastic bag. This creates a mini greenhouse effect, allowing some air to circulate while protecting the parsley from the cold, drying air of the refrigerator.
  4. Store It Right: Place the parsley-filled jar in the fridge, ideally towards the back, where the temperature is more stable. This will help maintain the parsley’s vibrant color and flavor for weeks or even months.

By following these steps, you can enjoy fresh parsley much longer!

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