How to Make Guava Leaves Powder


  • Fresh guava leaves (preferably young, tender leaves)


  • Clean cloth or paper towel
  • Baking sheet or tray
  • Grinder (spice grinder or blender)
  • Sieve (optional)
  • Airtight container (for storage)


  1. Harvest or Buy Guava Leaves:
    • Pick fresh guava leaves from a guava tree, ideally in the morning when the leaves are at their freshest.
    • Ensure that the leaves are young and tender for the best results.
  2. Wash the Leaves:
    • Rinse the guava leaves thoroughly under clean, running water to remove any dirt or pesticides.
    • Pat the leaves dry using a clean cloth or paper towel. Make sure they are completely dry before proceeding to the next step to prevent mold or spoilage.
  3. Dry the Leaves:
    • Spread the washed and dried guava leaves on a baking sheet or tray in a single layer.
    • Leave them to air dry in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. This process can take a few days, depending on the humidity. Alternatively, you can dry them in a dehydrator or in an oven at the lowest setting (about 50°C or 120°F) for a few hours, checking periodically until they become completely dry and brittle.
  4. Grind the Dried Leaves:
    • Once the guava leaves are completely dry and crispy, break them into smaller pieces.
    • Transfer the pieces into a spice grinder, blender, or food processor, and grind them into a fine powder. Depending on the power of your grinder, you may need to pulse the leaves several times.
  5. Sift (Optional):
    • If you want a finer texture, sift the ground guava leaves through a fine mesh sieve to remove any larger pieces.
  6. Store the Powder:
    • Transfer the guava leaf powder into an airtight container. Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


  • Guava leaf powder can be added to smoothies, teas, or even used topically for skin and hair care.

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