Japanese Omelette (Tamagoyaki) Recipe: One-Ingredient Style


  • Eggs (as many as you like)


  • Tamagoyaki pan or a small non-stick frying pan
  • Chopsticks or a spatula
  • Oil (optional, for greasing the pan)


  1. Prepare the Eggs:
    • Crack the eggs into a bowl. For a standard tamagoyaki, use about 3-4 eggs. Beat them well until the yolks and whites are fully combined.
  2. Heat the Pan:
    • Place your tamagoyaki pan or small non-stick frying pan over medium heat. If desired, lightly grease the pan with a bit of oil to prevent sticking.
  3. Cooking the Omelette:
    • Pour a thin layer of the beaten eggs into the pan, just enough to cover the bottom. Swirl the pan to spread the egg mixture evenly.
  4. Roll the Omelette:
    • Once the egg layer is mostly set but still slightly soft on top, use chopsticks or a spatula to gently roll the egg from one side of the pan to the other. Push the rolled egg to one side of the pan.
  5. Add More Egg:
    • Pour another thin layer of the egg mixture into the pan, letting it flow underneath the rolled omelette. When it’s mostly set, roll the new layer together with the existing roll.
  6. Repeat:
    • Continue adding layers of egg and rolling until all the egg mixture is used up. You can adjust the thickness of the layers to your preference.
  7. Finish and Serve:
    • Once the tamagoyaki is fully cooked and rolled, remove it from the pan and place it on a cutting board. Let it cool slightly, then slice it into even pieces.
  8. Enjoy:
    • Serve the tamagoyaki warm or at room temperature. It can be enjoyed as is or accompanied by soy sauce, grated radish, or other condiments.

Note: Traditional tamagoyaki often includes additional ingredients like sugar, soy sauce, and dashi (Japanese soup stock) for flavor. However, this recipe focuses on the simplicity of using just eggs, allowing the natural taste and texture of the eggs to shine.

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