Just burn the rosemary and you no longer need to spend money at the market (Did you know that?)

Roasted Rosemary-Infused Potatoes


  • 4 large potatoes, washed and cut into wedges
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 clove garlic, minced (optional)
  • Parmesan cheese, grated (optional)


  1. Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
  2. Infuse the Oil with Rosemary:
    • Light a burner on your stove or use a kitchen torch to burn the rosemary sprigs slightly. The goal is to scorch the needles to release their oils and aroma. Be careful not to burn them completely; a light charring will do.
    • Place the charred rosemary sprigs in a small bowl or on a plate. Drizzle the olive oil over them and let them infuse for about 5 minutes.
  3. Prepare the Potatoes:
    • In a large bowl, toss the potato wedges with the infused olive oil, ensuring that the charred rosemary needles mix well with the potatoes. If you want a more robust flavor, you can strip some of the needles from the sprigs and mix them directly with the potatoes.
    • Season with salt and pepper. Add minced garlic if using.
  4. Roast the Potatoes:
    • Spread the potato wedges on a baking sheet in a single layer. Place the rosemary sprigs among the potatoes for added aroma.
    • Roast in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until the potatoes are golden and crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Flip them halfway through to ensure even cooking.
  5. Serve:
    • Remove from the oven and discard the rosemary sprigs.
    • Optional: Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese for an extra touch of flavor.
    • Serve hot as a side dish or a snack.

Tip: Burning the rosemary adds a smoky, aromatic flavor to the oil, enhancing the taste of the potatoes. This simple technique can be used with other herbs as well, giving you a unique flavor experience without needing to buy additional spices.

Did You Know? Burning rosemary not only brings out its natural oils and aroma but also adds a subtle, smoky note to dishes, making it a great way to enhance flavors without extra cost.

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