Magical Cleaning Ritual: Salt on the Broom


  • 1 tablespoon of salt (preferably coarse)
  • A broom
  • A positive mindset


  1. Prepare Your Space: Before you start cleaning, take a moment to clear your mind and set a positive intention for your space. Imagine the area clean, fresh, and filled with good energy.
  2. Add the Salt: Sprinkle the tablespoon of salt directly onto the bristles of your broom. As you do this, think about the salt’s purifying properties, imagining it absorbing and neutralizing any negative energy or lingering dirt.
  3. Sweep with Purpose: Begin sweeping your floors as usual, but this time, with the added power of the salt. Focus on moving all the dust, dirt, and negative energy out of your home. Sweep from the farthest corners towards the door, symbolically pushing out what you no longer want in your space.
  4. Dispose of the Waste: Once you’ve finished sweeping, carefully gather up the dust and debris. Dispose of it outside, ideally far from your home, to ensure that any negative energy or bad luck doesn’t return.
  5. Admire Your Work: After sweeping, take a moment to appreciate the cleanliness and freshness of your space. The salt, combined with your intention, not only cleans the floor but also purifies the energy, leaving your home feeling lighter and more harmonious.

Optional Step: Enhance the Ritual

  • Add a few drops of essential oil to the salt before sprinkling it on the broom for a pleasant scent and additional purification properties.
  • Use this method once a week or whenever you feel your home needs a deeper, more energetic cleanse.


  • Salt is known for its ability to absorb moisture and energy, making it a perfect companion for cleaning rituals.
  • This method is often considered more effective than standard floor cleaners because it addresses both physical and energetic cleanliness.

This recipe blends practicality with a bit of magical thinking, making your cleaning routine feel more like a ritual for both the home and the mind.


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