Natural Moth Repellent & Scent Spray


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup white vinegar (acts as a natural repellent)
  • 20 drops of essential oils (choose a combination of the following: lavender, cedarwood, peppermint, or eucalyptus)
  • 1 teaspoon of witch hazel (optional, helps with scent)


  • A spray bottle (preferably dark glass to protect the essential oils)
  • A funnel (optional)


  1. Combine the Ingredients:
    • In a bowl or directly in the spray bottle, mix the water and white vinegar.
    • Add the essential oils and witch hazel (if using).
  2. Mix Well:
    • Use a whisk or shake the bottle gently to combine all the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Transfer to Spray Bottle:
    • If you mixed in a bowl, use a funnel to pour the mixture into the spray bottle.
  4. Label the Bottle:
    • It’s a good idea to label your spray bottle with the contents and the date.
  5. Application:
    • Spray lightly inside closets, on clothes (test on a small area first), and around your home. Avoid soaking fabrics.
    • Reapply every few weeks or as needed to maintain effectiveness.
  6. Storage:
    • Store the spray in a cool, dark place when not in use. Shake well before each use.


  • Prevention: Always ensure your clothes are clean and dry before storing them to prevent moth infestations.
  • Additional Moth Deterrents: Consider placing cedar blocks or sachets filled with dried lavender in your closets for added protection and scent.

This natural remedy not only helps repel moths but also leaves your home smelling fresh!

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