Recipe for a Fly-Free Zone: “The 2-Kilometer Run”


  • 1 Cup of Citronella Oil (Nature’s bug repellent)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Essential Oils (Lemon, eucalyptus, or lavender)
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • A Few Drops of Dish Soap (To help the oil mix with water)
  • A Spray Bottle


  1. Prepare the Mixture: In a bowl, combine the citronella oil and essential oils. Add the dish soap to the mixture. This will help the oils mix more effectively with the water.
  2. Mix with Water: Pour the oil mixture into the spray bottle. Then fill the rest of the bottle with water, leaving a little room at the top.
  3. Shake Well: Close the spray bottle and shake it well to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  4. Spray Around Your House: Liberally spray the mixture around the exterior of your house, focusing on entry points like doors and windows. This will create a barrier that flies are not keen on crossing.
  5. Reapply as Needed: Reapply the spray every few days or after heavy rain to maintain the effectiveness of your fly deterrent.
  6. Observe the Results: Flies should be discouraged from lingering around your house and will prefer to “run” off to find less aromatic territories—potentially even up to 2 kilometers away!

Enjoy a fly-free environment and a more pleasant home!

Feel free to tweak the recipe to suit your preferences or needs.

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