Recipe: How to Store Garlic to Prevent Shrinking and Sprouting


Storing garlic properly is essential to keep it fresh for longer periods. With this simple method, you can ensure that your garlic remains in excellent condition without shrinking or sprouting.


  • Fresh garlic bulbs


  1. Choose the Right Garlic:
    • Start with fresh, firm garlic bulbs. Avoid bulbs with any soft spots, mold, or sprouting.
  2. Keep the Garlic Whole:
    • Do not break the garlic bulbs into individual cloves until you’re ready to use them. Whole bulbs last much longer than separated cloves.
  3. Find a Cool, Dry Place:
    • Store the garlic in a cool (around 60-65°F or 15-18°C), dry, and well-ventilated area. A pantry, a cupboard, or a kitchen drawer works well.
    • Avoid the fridge: Storing garlic in the refrigerator can cause it to sprout prematurely due to the cold temperature.
  4. Use a Mesh Bag or a Paper Bag:
    • Place the garlic in a mesh bag, paper bag, or a loosely woven basket to allow air circulation. Proper airflow is key to preventing moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and sprouting.
    • Avoid plastic bags or sealed containers, as they can trap moisture and promote sprouting.
  5. Avoid Direct Sunlight:
    • Store the garlic in a dark place. Exposure to light can cause it to sprout or dry out.
  6. Check Occasionally:
    • Periodically check the garlic bulbs for any signs of sprouting or softening. Remove any affected cloves to prevent them from affecting the others.


By following these steps, you can easily store garlic without it shrinking or sprouting. This method really works and will help you keep your garlic fresh for an extended period, ready to add flavor to your dishes whenever you need it!

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