Recipe: The Secret of the Toilet Paper Roll: An Ecological Solution to Combat Bad Odors in the Bathroom



  • Empty toilet paper roll (1 piece)
  • Essential oil (your favorite scent, e.g., lavender, eucalyptus, or lemon)
  • Baking soda (optional)


  1. Preparation:
    • Start with an empty toilet paper roll. Make sure it’s clean and free of any leftover paper.
  2. Essential Oil Application:
    • Take your chosen essential oil and add a few drops (around 5-10) to the inside of the toilet paper roll. The cardboard will absorb the oil, slowly releasing the scent over time.
  3. Optional Baking Soda:
    • For an extra boost in odor-fighting power, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda inside the toilet paper roll before adding the essential oil. This will help to neutralize odors more effectively.
  4. Placement:
    • Place the prepared toilet paper roll inside your bathroom, preferably near the toilet or in an area where odors tend to linger.
  5. Refresh as Needed:
    • When the scent fades, simply add more drops of essential oil to the roll. You can also replace the roll entirely if it becomes saturated.


  • Save your empty toilet paper rolls and make multiple scent boosters for different areas of your bathroom or home.
  • You can also get creative by using different essential oil combinations for a customized fragrance experience.

Eco-friendly Note:

  • This method not only helps to combat bad odors but also encourages the reuse of toilet paper rolls, reducing waste in your household.

Don’t waste your toilet paper roll; turn it into a natural, eco-friendly air freshener!

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