Stop Buying Butter: How to Make Your Own Creamy Butter with Just One Ingredient – Yogurt!

If you’re looking to cut down on grocery costs, or if you’re just a fan of DIY kitchen projects, you’re in for a treat! Did you know you can make delicious, creamy butter using just one ingredient? That’s right—yogurt! This method is not only simple but also a fun way to enhance your culinary skills. Read on to discover how you can create your own butter at home with minimal effort.

Why Make Butter with Yogurt?

Using yogurt to make butter offers several benefits:

  • Cost-Effective: Save money by making your own butter instead of buying it.
  • Freshness: Enjoy butter that’s freshly made and free from preservatives.
  • Control Over Ingredients: Customize your butter to your taste preferences and dietary needs.
  • Sustainable: Reduce packaging waste and use fewer processed ingredients.

Ingredients and Equipment


  • Yogurt: You’ll need full-fat or whole milk yogurt. Greek yogurt works particularly well due to its higher fat content.


  • Stand Mixer or Hand Mixer: A stand mixer is ideal, but a hand mixer can also do the job.
  • Fine Mesh Strainer or Cheesecloth: For separating the buttermilk from the butter.
  • Spatula: For scraping down the sides of the mixing bowl.
  • Storage Container: For keeping your homemade butter fresh.

Method: From Yogurt to Butter

1. Prepare Your Yogurt

  • Start with Quality Yogurt: Use full-fat or Greek yogurt for the best results. Ensure it’s plain and unflavored.
  • Drain Excess Liquid: If your yogurt is very watery, drain some of the liquid to avoid excessive splatter during mixing. You can use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to do this.

2. Mix the Yogurt

  • Transfer Yogurt to Mixer: Place your yogurt in the bowl of a stand mixer or a large mixing bowl if using a hand mixer.
  • Start Mixing: Begin mixing at a low speed to avoid splattering. Gradually increase the speed as the yogurt starts to thicken.
  • Watch for Separation: After a few minutes, you’ll notice the yogurt separating into butter and buttermilk. The mixture will look like whipped cream at first, and then you’ll see clumps of butter forming.

3. Separate the Butter from the Buttermilk

  • Strain the Mixture: Once the butter has formed, stop the mixer and use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to drain the buttermilk. You can also use a spatula to help press out the liquid.
  • Rinse the Butter: To remove any remaining buttermilk, rinse the butter under cold water. Knead it gently with your hands or a spatula to ensure it’s fully rinsed. This helps the butter stay fresh longer and prevents it from becoming sour.

4. Season and Store

  • Season to Taste: If desired, mix in a pinch of salt or other flavorings to your butter. This step is optional and can be tailored to your taste preferences.
  • Store Properly: Transfer the butter to a clean storage container and keep it refrigerated. It should last for up to 2 weeks. For longer storage, you can freeze it in an airtight container.

5. Enjoy Your Homemade Butter!

  • Use It in Recipes: Spread it on toast, use it in baking, or add it to your favorite dishes for a rich, creamy flavor.
  • Get Creative: Experiment with adding herbs, spices, or garlic to create compound butters.

Final Thoughts

Making your own butter from yogurt is a simple and rewarding process. With just one ingredient and a bit of time, you can enjoy fresh, homemade butter that’s tailored to your tastes. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also gain satisfaction from creating something delicious from scratch.

So, why wait? Grab some yogurt and start your butter-making adventure today! If you have any questions or tips to share, drop them in the comments. Happy butter-making!

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